Social & Wellness Programs
At The Alex, we care about you. Whether you’re looking for social support, physical activity, mental health, substance use, living skills or food and nutrition, we can help! Build connections by joining one of our many groups or join us for breakfast or lunch!
Join us for breakfast every Tuesday at 9:30am-11:30am and for lunch every Thursday at 11am-1pm.
What we offer
- Social Support
- Physical Activity
- Mental Health Support
- Substance Use Support
- Living Skills
PEP (Pre-Employment Program)
- Food & Nutrition
- Social Work
- Peer Support
- Justice Navigation
- Tax Clinic
Program & Activity Details
*Note: Certain programs require a Wellness Prescription. Wellness Prescriptions are social and wellness programs recommended by your physician based on your needs and interests. These prescriptions can only be provided by Alex Community Health Clinic providers. Please see your Alex Provider for one.
Food & Nutrition
Community Meals
The Community Meals program is a community kitchen initiative run at The Alex’s Community Health Centre (CHC) that provides various meals and snacks for the community. No registration required! You can go straight to the kitchen, take a seat, and wait for us to serve you!
Breakfast is served every Tuesday and lunch is served every Thursday except for holidays.
FoodFit, participants make healthy lifestyle changes by learning about nutrition, gentle movement, and how cook nutritious recipes.
Register by clicking here.
Fresh Produce Market
Catering to the local community, The Alex Fresh Produce Market is a low-cost fruit and vegetable market.
(Coming soon)
Mental Wellness
Elder in Residence
Every Monday and Wednesday an Indigenous Elder will be available for teaching, smudge, and stories. Elders will vary each day. Please reach out to our Community Wellness Coordinator (registration@thealex.ca) if you would like to know which Elder is in on what date.
* requires a wellness prescription.
Substance Use Support
SMART Recovery®
SMART Recovery® is a recovery program offering support meetings, skill learning, and techniques from scientifically based treatments to help participants overcome addiction.
Register by clicking here.
Monthly Drug Munch!
The Monthly Drug Munch is an interactive presentation and workshop series focusing on harm reduction. We cover topics from substance use and safer supplies, to safer sex practice. Delicious food is also served!
Register by clicking here.
Living Skills
PEP (Pre-Employment Program)
PEP provides learning and training options for participants interested in working, volunteering, or seeking further education. Our services include: communication and interview skills training; relationship management training; self-discovery and strength-finding; money management training; basic and intermediate computer courses; one-on-one coaching; resume building; and, workplace opportunities. Email pep@thealex.ca for more information.
Financial Empowerment
Financial Empowerment programming provides participants –with money management education. The topics we cover include assets, budgeting, banking, credit, and consumerism.
Contact registration@thealex.ca to connect with a staff member for Financial Empowerment!
Social Support
Queer Connections
Queer Connections is a social group for all Alex community members who identify as queer. This group has a various activities ranging from queer discussion, to playing games, to finding your drag persona! Register by clicking here
Beading Workshop
In our Beading Workshop, you can learn how to use beads to create Indigenous flat-stitch beadwork art while connecting with other Indigenous people and traditions. Register by clicking here
Communication Cafe
The seniors’ social group consists of weekly meetings with various topics of particular interest to seniors. Register by clicking here.
Drop-In Art
Drop-in Art is a group for people to work on any sort of art project. All skill levels are welcome, and all supplies are provided. Register by clicking here.
Indigenous Cafe
In the Indigenous Cafe, the Community Kitchen cooks an Indigenous-themed meal with traditional foods. Learn about the food as a land acknowledgement, smudge, and opening words are shared with community members and staff.
No registration required! You can go straight to the kitchen, take a seat, and wait for us to serve you!
Join us on the last Thursday of the month during lunch (11am-1pm)
Traditional Plant Program
With a focus on land-based teachings, the Traditional Plant Program helps its participants build a relationship with the land and applies that knowledge to make all-natural products for helping around the home.
Register by clicking here