Media Centre

We love to tell our story.
Read more about how The Alex is making an impact in our community through our news stories, profiles and interviews.
Contact our communications team to arrange to speak to us on current programs, and stories that matter to our community, including homelessness, addiction, mental health, dental health, food insecurity and more.
July 9, 2024, Calgary Herald, ‘An absolute gift’: Mobile clinic aids task of diabetes management for those in need
July 9, 2024, CTV News, Calgarians experiencing homelessness helped by mobile diabetes screening program
May 23, 2024, Calgary Herald, ‘Food insecurity is at a crisis point’: Advocate argues policy changes are needed
February 5, 2024, VIMYHR, Women in Business: Diverse Paths to Success in Calgary
February 5, 2024, CACHC, Celebrating 50 Years of The Alex Community Health Centre
July 5, 2022, CBC, Calgary city councilors trained on how to reverse an overdose with naloxone
April 12, 2022, Calgary Herald, Alex Community Health Centre debuts new mobile health clinic
April 12, 2022, Livewire, The Alex’s mobile unit cruises in to support Calgary’s homeless
April 12, 2022, CTV News, New mobile health clinic ready to roll in Calgary’s downtown core
April 12, 2022, Global News, Mobile care clinic hits roads to offer free health-care services to marginalized Calgarians
March 23, 2022, CTV Calgary, Calgary dentists cautiously optimistic about federal dental plan, some social services supportive
February 23, 2022, Let’s Talk Poverty Podcast, Dignity, Food and Policy (interview with Joy Bowen-Eyre)
February 18, 2022, CBC Calgary, This community health group says every Albertan should have a naloxone kit
February 4, 2022, Calgary Herald, Op-Ed: Why do we penalize people who work while on Income Support?
January 10, 2022, Livewire Calgary, City, social agencies bolster cold weather help for Calgary homeless
December 17, 2021, CBC Calgary, Fighting inflation on a fixed income: These Calgary residents use faith, friends and a free breakfast
December 10, 2021, Cross Border Podcast, Community Spotlight: The Alex
November 28, 2021, Avenue Magazine, Beyond the Food Bank
November 24, 2021, Calgary Herald, New partnership with McLeod Law enhances legal supports for The Alex (See Notes section)
October 1, 2021, CTV News, Pasta La Feasta, baby: Calgary’s charity pasta festival runs this month
September 29, 2021, Daily Hive, Pasta La Feasta 2021 returns to Calgary next month
August 21, 2021, Nurses Voices Podcast, Community Health Nursing with Tegan Broadhurst and Alysha Samji (Alex ASIS nurses)
August 19, CACHC Podcast, Community Matters Podcast with The Alex’s Director of Health Cheryl San Juan
August 19, 2021, CBC Calgary, Calgarians share tips to save money on groceries
June 7, 2021, Livewire Calgary, Calgary’s crisis centers to bolster treatment with new funding
June 4, 2021, CBC Eyeopener, Community Safety Investment Framework
May 20, 2021, Calgary Herald, Opinion: Innovation isn’t about who does what. It’s about what we can get done together
May 7, 2021, CityNews, Dynamic approach is needed for vaccination of homeless population: Advocates
March 22, 2021, Global News, Front-line worker in Calgary aims to relieve ‘toxic stress’ amid COVID-19 pandemic
February 16, 2021, Calgary Guardian, Charitable Choices: A chat with Joy Bowen-Eyre, CEO of The Alex
December 8, 2020, CTV News, The Alex’s Holiday Hope Totes Program aims to support community members in need
December 7, 2020, 660 News, Local charity launches program to help communities during COVID-19
December 2, 2020, CTV News, $30M cost to reintroduce fluoride to Calgary’s drinking water: City report
December 1, 2020, Avenue Magazine, How Calgary Charities and Non-Profits are Adapting to Survive the Pandemic
November 17, 2020, Calgary Herald, As holiday season looms, COVID-19 pandemic throws survival of Calgary charities in jeopardy
November 10, 2020, Calgary Journal, Winter is coming — leaving many Calgary non-profits out in the cold
October 22, 2020, Calgary Herald, Calgary’s homeless shelters prepare for drop in temperatures and surge of COVID-19 infections
October 21, 2020, Global Calgary, Learn more about The Big Social
October 20, 2020, Global Calgary, Calgary restaurants team up to support The Alex with Pasta La Feasta
October 16, 2020, Avenue Magazine, 5 Good Things That Happened in Calgary
October 16, 2020, CBC Calgary, Calgary food centre shifts to indoors as winter-like weather hits
October 10. 2020, Narcity, Calgary’s Having A Massive Pasta Party This Month & 11 Restaurants Have New Dishes For You
September 3, 2020, CTV News, 5 clients test positive: COVID-19 outbreak at Calgary homeless shelter
July 13, 2020, Global News, #ChipinforKids: Amid pandemic, Shaw Charity Classic asks for donations to Alberta charities via text
June 9 2020, U of C Faculty of Nursing, During the age of social distancing and COVID-19, how do you stay at home if you are homeless?
May 8, 2020, Calgary Herald, Staff at Calgary’s only assisted self-isolation site dedicated to making a hotel feel like home
April 23, 2020, TELUS Talks with Tamara Taggart, Episode 11: Caring for our most vulnerable, with Joy Bowen-Eyre
April 15, 2020, The National Post, COVID-19 isolation hotel for Calgary homeless has first guests, no known cases
April 6, 2020, The Globe and Mail, Calgary establishes isolation spaces for homeless affected by COVID-19 at hotel and Telus Convention Centre
April 6, 2020, LiveWire, Isolation rooms set up for Calgary homeless clients with coronavirus
February 15, 2020, Livewire, Two Wheel View: Bikes the vehicle for social impact in Calgary
January 21, 2020, CBC News, Alex Community Health Centre debuts its new mobile medical clinic
January 21, 2020, CTV News, The Alex and TELUS team up for new community health bus
January 21, 2020, Calgary Herald, New medical clinic on wheels improves healthcare access at high schools
October 30, 2019, CBC News, ‘Children are suffering’ as Calgary’s 60+ year fluoride debate drags on, bioethicist says
October 24, 2019, Macleans Magazine, Canada’s best charities 2020
October 15, 2019, Global Calgary, Pasta La Feasta – featuring Geoff Webber of The Alex
October 9, 2019, Western Living Magazine, Why You Should Eat Pasta Nine Times in the Next Two Weeks
October 9, 2019, The YYScene, Pasta La Feasta festival has Calgary chefs noodling around for the Alex Community Food Centre
September 22, 2019, CBC Calgary, Alberta youth hospitalized for substance-related concerns at higher rate than average, report finds
August 6, 2019, Avenue Magazine, The Two-Tier Food System
July 3, 2019, CBC Homestretch, ‘I didn’t have to do it alone’: Short films document personal stories of addiction, mental health
June 21, 2019, CTV Calgary, Modern and traditional mix to celebrate Indigenous people
May 24, 2019, CBC Eyeopener, Take a walk down Calgary’s International Avenue
May 17, 2019, CBC Calgary, Why a financially strapped Calgary mother turned down food banks (Audio interview)
February 25, 2019, Star Metro, Calgary city council votes to examine research on water fluoridation
February 25, 2019, CBC Calgary, Calgary to study science of fluoride 8 years after removing it from drinking water
January 27, 2019, LiveWire Calgary, Bowen Eyre takes reins of Calgary’s Alex Community Health Centre
January 21, 2019, Eat North, Calgary’s 3rd annual Robbie Burns Bash to raise funds for The Alex Community Health Centre
January 14, 2019, Star Metro, Windsor, Ont. flips back to fluoride — why that’s unlikely to change minds in Calgary
January 11, 2019, Star Metro, As meth use spikes in Calgary, police and addiction experts call for a co-ordinated response
January 10, 2019, Calgary Herald, Former CBE chair takes over leadership of The Alex Community Health Centre